Thursday, January 12, 2023

How to File a Personal Injury Claim in New Mexico

The launch of the automobile in the late 19th century was a turning event in the history of transportation around the globe. With autos came safety and convenience. From the time of horse-drawn carriages forward, travel times were substantially decreased, and people were able to reach their destinations with relative ease. Although the creation of the automobile is one of humanity's greatest accomplishments, its disadvantages cannot be overlooked.

Per recent research provided by traffic analysts, close to 100 individuals die in the United States daily in motor vehicle accidents. In 2018 alone, 33,650 fatal motor vehicle incidents resulted in close to 36,560 fatalities, according to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System of the United States Department of Transportation. According to these numbers, automobile crashes are the top cause of mortality in the United States and globally.

Even though automotive accidents are highly common and occasionally tragic, we must do our bit by driving cautiously at all times. These driving guidelines may help you drive safely in New Mexico and abroad.

Data on New Mexico Auto Accidents

Incredibly, there were 470 automobile-related deaths in New Mexico in 2021. This is a substantial rise from the state's 2019 total of 425 road fatalities. According to Jeff Barela, a spokeswoman for the New Mexico Department of Transportation, the primary causes of fatal accidents in New Mexico during the last year were speeding, aggressive driving, and distracted driving. Tragically, the number of traffic-related deaths in 2021 was the highest in at least a decade.

In the interim, the number of road deaths attributable to intoxicated driving declined. In New Mexico, there were just under 180 DUI-related accidents in 2019. In 2021, there remained just 110 of them. Barela claims around a 25% decline in drunk driving-related accident fatalities in the previous year as proof of the lowest rate of alcohol-related traffic fatalities in the last two decades.

In spite of this, recent insurance research indicated that New Mexico drivers were the second worst in the country owing to the state's high proportion of reckless and drunk drivers.

In addition, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data for New Mexico seem to support these findings. According to NHTSA statistics, New Mexico ranked fifth for reckless driving, twelfth for speeding, and tenth for driving under the influence arrests.

DUI-Related Accidents in New Mexico

Per the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention research, New Mexico's drinking epidemic is unprecedented and leads to a number of serious or deadly accidents yearly.

In fact, New Mexico has the highest alcohol-related mortality rate per capita of any other state. For example, New Mexico has roughly 51 alcohol-related deaths per 100,000 people.

Clearly, these figures imply that drunk driving accidents often occur across the Land of Enchantment. In just one recent year, alcohol contributed to roughly 1,030 collisions resulting in injury or fatalities.

We are all aware that excessive drinking dulls our senses and causes us to seem numb. How can someone under the influence operate a large piece of machinery safely in that case? If you attended a party or event with your car and drank excessively, you should leave your vehicle, hire a taxi, or ask a friend who is sober to drive you home.

New Mexico Crash Rates

The New Mexico Department of Transportation's 2015 Community Report demonstrates an odd five-year relationship between accidents and seasons. From 2011 through 2015, December was the month with the highest number of accidents.

The monthly average number of accidents in December during the last five years has been just under 3,980. Only October is comparable, with an annual average of approximately 3,840 accidents. December has been the most accident-prone month every year, save for 2013.

This might be due to a variety of causes, including increased holiday traffic and cold weather. Regardless of the cause, December is the worst month for automobile accidents in New Mexico.

Winter fogs are often abundant. They impair your eyesight and make it very difficult to see. You may collide with a motorbike or automobile at high speed if you are not cautious. Unlike rain, fogs tend to remain longer. Therefore, the safest method to drive in these conditions is to reduce your speed. Avoid driving too quickly, and always use caution while traversing a curve. If the fog grows too dense while you are still on the road, locate a safe location to wait it out.

Avoid Distracted Driving in New Mexico

Given the frequency of DUI-related accidents throughout New Mexico, it would be reasonable to assume that drunk driving is the primary cause of accidents in the state. Instead, driver inattention or distraction is the leading cause of car crashes.

In 2015, driver inattention contributed to 21,894 of the state's 62,787 accidents caused by human error. Failure to yield the right-of-way was the second most common cause of collisions, accounting for 6,602 incidents.

A spouse's phone call, a text message, a buddy waving, an item on the side of the road, and beyond might all serve as potential driving distractions. These distractions can cause you to lose focus while driving, leading to potentially catastrophic consequences. Therefore, while driving, concentrate only on the road. If you need to answer an urgent call, park your vehicle in a secure location.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Impulsive drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident than defensive drivers. A defensive diver is never in a hurry to pass an opponent. Even in heavy traffic, a defensive driver is exceedingly careful and composed. A cautious driver doesn't change lanes unexpectedly, and good drivers also avoid speeding or driving recklessly.

Furthermore, in situations where you have the right of way, you should yield to other aggressive drivers if you want to avoid collisions. Needless to say, driving requires the utmost patience.

Contact a New Mexico Car Accident Lawyer

Overall, these figures provide light on the reality of vehicle accidents in New Mexico. Please call Will Ferguson & Associates for a consultation if you or a loved one has been wounded in one of these incidents.

Call our Albuquerque-area car accident lawyers at (505) 243-5566 to find out how we can examine the details of your case to see if you are eligible for compensation for your injuries.

If we find that you and your family are entitled to compensation, we will manage every element of your legal claim and provide you with the services of a reputable team of Albuquerque car accident lawyers.

Contact us immediately for a free, no-obligation consultation about the circumstances surrounding your New Mexico vehicle accident. We are here to help get justice on your behalf.

The post How to File a Personal Injury Claim in New Mexico appeared first on Personal Injury Lawyer New Mexico.


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